What is Dermaplaning?

By: Nicola, The Skin Geek


What exactly is Dermaplaning? 

The boring explanation is...

"The controlled scraping of the skin using a sterile, surgical blade held at a 45-degree angle for the removal of keratinized cells on the outer corneum and the fine vellous hair"

 Doesn't sound very exciting, does it? 

 To explain it better..... its an amazing physical exfoliation using a little blade to gently "shave" away from the outer layer of dead skin. The secondary bonus about this treatment is that it also removes the fine vellus "fluffy" hair. 

What removing this layer of dead skin and peach fuzz does is basically giving you the smoothest skin you have ever had!

What should you expect during dermaplaning?

A surprisingly relaxing facial! 

Who knew that taking a scalpel to your face would feel so lovely? Depending on what kind of dermaplaning facial you ask for than the actual "dermaplaning" only takes about 15 minutes. The "bells and whistles" that compliment it, make it extra special. 

The majority of my clients like the basic "Dermaplaning and Enzyme", sometimes keeping it simple is best!

What are the benefits of Dermaplaning?

1. For one..... you will have super smooth skin. Frighteningly smooth.

2. It will GLOW like its never before.

3. Your skincare products will absorb soooooo much better (my personal favorite). You wouldn't believe how absorbent all that dead skin and peach fuzz is. 

What a waste of a good serum or moisturizer! 

Waste no more, it’s getting to work now and working hard for the money you spent on it.

4. Your makeup will look FLAWLESS. It has a blank canvas to lay on now. You will be camera-ready in no time at all.

5. It’s a great prep for further treatments you may get in the clinic. Face peels, masks, enzymes..... the list goes on.

6. It minimizes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Need more convincing?

Does Dermaplaning make the hair grow back thicker?


Just kidding..... this would be my worst nightmare.

But I can safely say that after 2 and a half years of having it done, my hair is no different.... It’s not thicker, darker or longer. In fact, if you google it then you will see that its physiologically impossible for shaving to change the hair in anyway. Hormones do that.... not shaving :-)

Your hair will just grow back the same. 

I won’t lie.... if you have a lot of "terminal" hair (the pesky thicker darker hairs), like the ones you have on your top lip.... and the random 3 I have on my chin, then these will feel stubbly. This to me is common sense, and I hope I don't offend by saying this! So if you want to.... then get this hair waxed or threaded if you normally do and leave the fluffy hair to be dermaplaned off. 

If you have a lot of terminal hair all over your face then sadly dermaplaning may not be for you. You just won't like the feeling of it growing back. I don't like making people feel sad. It makes me sad.

How often can you have Dermaplaning?

Generally every month..... otherwise you won’t have any skin and hair to remove! 

The average person sheds millions of dead skin cells every day. GROSS. Did you know that all this dead skin is contributing to the dust in your house? I'm helping this problem...... you are welcome :-)

Your skin is protective, waterproof and very handy to have intact. Don't get dermaplaning carried out too often. Your face won’t like it, trust me.


30 min $85


Alana Long